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Shortlease Den Haag

Do you live or work in The Hague and are looking for a short lease car? HuurMij shows you the route to maximum freedom, in close cooperation with our sister company Supershortlease. Carefree driving for both entrepreneurs and individuals. Without small print and without being tied to a long-term contract. But with a car that suits you and the circumstances perfectly. For example, a nice compact car for optimal freedom of movement in the city. Or perhaps an electric car.

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Hoe werkt Shortleasen in Groningen?

You will find the wide range of short lease cars on our website. Here you can specify how long you want to short lease the car and how many miles you will drive. After the request has been made you will receive a quote with the conditions. After approval we will ask some additional information for a credit check: this will determine the amount of the deposit. For more information click here.

When the contract is made and signed (this all goes online), the car will be ready for you in Groningen. One of our short lease employees will take the time to explain the practical aspects of the car.

About HuurMij in Groningen

The combination HuurMij / Supershortlease forms together the online number 1 in supply for shortlease. Not only in the Groningen region but in the whole of the Netherlands. With a fleet of 1,500 cars, we move quickly and flexibly with your personal situation or that of your company. Want to know more? Then contact us at 088-9960100 or info@supershortlease.nl.

Rent a car in Groningen

Getting from A to B in Groningen by car is still flexible. It is an important commercial city and traditionally an important hub for the food industry (sugar, tobacco, coffee). The municipality encourages the establishment of business service providers in the ICT sector and the so-called "Life Sciences. In addition to its business side, Groningen has a busy nightlife as a student city. There are many cafes, especially around the Grote Markt. The most important entrance and exit roads are the A7 and the A28.

HuurMij Amsterdam
HuurMij Amsterdam

Karel Doormanstraat 105e, 1055 VD 020 688 10 15 amsterdam@huurmij.nl

HuurMij Alphen a/d Rijn
HuurMij Alphen a/d Rijn

Handelsweg 14, 2404 CD 0172 426 657 alphen@huurmij.nl

HuurMij Haarlem
HuurMij Haarlem

Koudenhorn 24-30, 2011 JD 023 53 19 131 haarlem@huurmij.nl

HuurMij Leiden
HuurMij Leiden

Pesthuislaan 8, 2333 BA 071 51 34 700 leiden@huurmij.nl

HuurMij Leiderdorp
HuurMij Leiderdorp

Lijnbaan 12, 2352 CK 071 5 820 820 leiderdorp@huurmij.nl