A full tank when issued
Our rental cars are always issued with a full fuel tank. Fuel consumed during the rental period is not included in the rental rate, but is at the expense of the renter.
Fill up at the Leiderdorp and Haarlem locations
This location has its own gas station. This means that you don't have to refuel the car yourself, as we can do it for you. We charge the national recommended fuel price* for that day for this with a surcharge of € 0.20 per liter.
Fill up at the Leiden, Alphen and Amsterdam locations
These locations do not have their own gas stations. We therefore ask you return the vehicle fully refueled. In addition, we ask that you show or leave the fuel receipt in the car.
If it is not possible for you to do so, we will refuel the vehicle. In Leiden, Alphen and Amsterdam, we charge € 15.00 for this refueling service.
Karel Doormanstraat 105e, 1055 VD 020 688 10 15 amsterdam@huurmij.nl
Handelsweg 14, 2404 CD 0172 426 657 alphen@huurmij.nl
Koudenhorn 24-30, 2011 JD 023 53 19 131 haarlem@huurmij.nl
Pesthuislaan 8, 2333 BA 071 51 34 700 leiden@huurmij.nl
Lijnbaan 12, 2352 CK 071 5 820 820 leiderdorp@huurmij.nl